Historia y leyendas

Black Alce

The Holy Man Black Alce (1864-1950) is undoubtedly the most well-known native visionary of North America, thanks to the success of John Neihardt's book Black alce speaks, published in 1923.

He lived at an important time for the Oglalas Sioux, when the confrontation with the White began which resulted in defeat in the Indian wars and began life in the reserve. Alcé Negro was an active member of the Danza de los Espíritus institution and fought to the end for the survival and well-being of his people.

According to Neihardt's book, Black Alce was unconscious for twelve days when he was nine years old in 1873. During this time, he experienced a dream or visions in which two individuals guided him towards the clouds and showed him a black horse called "The Horse of the Four Directions" (north, south, east, and west orientation).

The "six grandparents" were seen by this animal in a cloud in which they represented the six directions (norte, sur, este, oeste, arriba y abajo). Each of the six explained to him some of the important powers that would make him a sacred man, capable of healing diseases and sorrows, and assigned him the task of guiding his community along the sacred Red Way, which was the only way to ensure his survival.

Black Alce is said to have seen great wonders that allowed his people to resist the massacre carried out by the whites.


Native American Cultures: Myths and magicNative American Cultures: Myths and magic

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This book challenges deep-seated stereotypes and offers an enriching perspective that contributes to a more comprehensive and respectful appreciation of the indigenous peoples of North America. Through an understanding of their myths and beliefs, we are taking an important step toward cultural reconciliation and the recognition of the diversity that has enriched the history of this continent.
These mythical stories, many of them linked to the literary genre of fantasy, reveal a world where the divine and the human intertwine in narratives that explain the cosmic order, creation, and the fundamental structure of the universe. Discover how these sacred tales bear witness to the deep connection of the natives with nature and spirituality.