Historia y leyendas

Modern Medicine

Traditional healing methods were severely affected by the European conquest, among other things because many natives were affected with new diseases that decreased the population of their communities. Western medical methods were introduced by traffickers, missionaries, and military doctors, and since the early 19th century, the US government has hired doctors to visit Indian children in reserves and hospitalized during epidemics. More than 20 treaties were signed around 1870 to ensure medical care to specific tribes. The Indian Health Service (IHS), which provides basic medical care to most reservations, emerged from those agreements. However, Indians still do not have the same medical services as the non-Indian population.


Native American Cultures: Myths and magicNative American Cultures: Myths and magic

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This book challenges deep-seated stereotypes and offers an enriching perspective that contributes to a more comprehensive and respectful appreciation of the indigenous peoples of North America. Through an understanding of their myths and beliefs, we are taking an important step toward cultural reconciliation and the recognition of the diversity that has enriched the history of this continent.
These mythical stories, many of them linked to the literary genre of fantasy, reveal a world where the divine and the human intertwine in narratives that explain the cosmic order, creation, and the fundamental structure of the universe. Discover how these sacred tales bear witness to the deep connection of the natives with nature and spirituality.