Historia y leyendas

The Crow in the Culture of the American Native

The raven is the animal most frequently mentioned in animal myths in the Culture of the American Native. It has a prominent place in North American mythology, as well as in cultures related to Siberia and the Arctic. The horn, and sometimes the spider, is believed to be a sacred being that created the universe and represents age and wisdom.

Killing it is considered illegal in many tribes. The horn is believed to have helped create the earth, animals and humans; it brings light and fresh water; and it teaches people how to live on the earth.

However, it also provokes laughter, makes nonsense and is occasionally lazy. He is cunning, but also a target of deception. Some villages, such as the southern Alaska tlingits, distinguish between two types of crows: the trickster and the cultural hero.

The screaming of birds, especially crows, is the clearest sign of life in the desolate landscape of the far northwest and off the Pacific coast. The raven is distinguished from other species by its black tone, which is explained in the stories by its encounter with a buffalo, gauge or pigeon, in which it is painted black or holly.

In Native American symbolism, the crow often represents a complex blend of intelligence, mystery, and transformation. It is a creature with dual qualities, embodying both positive and negative aspects in various myths and stories. The crow's cleverness and association with creation myths make it a revered figure in the cultural tapestry of Native American communities.


Native American Cultures: Myths and magicNative American Cultures: Myths and magic

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This book challenges deep-seated stereotypes and offers an enriching perspective that contributes to a more comprehensive and respectful appreciation of the indigenous peoples of North America. Through an understanding of their myths and beliefs, we are taking an important step toward cultural reconciliation and the recognition of the diversity that has enriched the history of this continent.
These mythical stories, many of them linked to the literary genre of fantasy, reveal a world where the divine and the human intertwine in narratives that explain the cosmic order, creation, and the fundamental structure of the universe. Discover how these sacred tales bear witness to the deep connection of the natives with nature and spirituality.